先將 WingBra 的 Logo 面(右)暫時黏貼覆蓋右側胸部。
Place the logo side (right) of Wing Bra temporarily on your right breast.
右手將左側胸部集中托高,再將WingBra 左翼沿著胸部輪廓外側約五公分處,稍微拉緊上提後黏貼。
Hold and lift the left side of your left bra to your desired breast angle with your high-hand fingers. Then, gently smooth the cup edges of Wing Bra’s left wing at about 5 cm away from your left breast. Finally, smooth the cup edge firmly to your left breast.
左側胸型貼好,再將右側 WingBra撕下,重複步驟 2,方向相反,左手將右側胸部集中托高,再將 WingBra 右翼沿著胸部輪廓外側約五公分處,稍微拉緊上提後黏貼。
Repeat Step 2 on your right breast with an opposite direction. First, hold and lift the right side of your left bra to your desired breast angle with your left-hand fingers. Then, gently smooth the cup edges of Wing Bra’s right wing at about 5 cm away from your right breast. Finally, smooth the cup edge firmly to your right breast.
將 WinBra Link (不開扣)下緣厚杯處,直接覆蓋於 WingBra 上。
In order to secure the hold, we suggest users cross both hands and hold the breast for 30 second, so that the body temperature will lift the glue’s temperature, in order to achieve better adhesiveness.
WingBra Link罩杯的選擇,應以本身胸部罩杯減一個尺寸為佳。
When you choose the size of WingBra Link, It is advised that you go down a cup size than your current bra size. For instance, If you are a 32B, you might want to consider the A cup size.
Classic Wing不分尺寸,標準胸型B/C罩杯,可依照Classic Wing教學影片黏貼的位置(Classic Wing上緣邊線包覆在乳暈一半的位置)
D罩杯以上包含D罩杯,Classic Wing上緣邊線完全遮蓋乳暈。
A罩杯,Classic Wing上緣邊線往下黏貼到您自身罩杯最下緣。(乳暈完全露出)
Whoever counterfeits a patented product or wrongly appropriates a patented technique will be ordered by the patent administrative authorities to cease all acts of counterfeiting, to provide the public with notification of his or her violation, and to pay a fine.
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電話: 02-23620885
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